
Originally posted on August 17, 2015.

Our February 13 Run to Fight Superhero is Marisol! Marisol is a very active, 6 year old, girly girl who was diagnosed with Leukemia on October 22, 2013. She started her final phase of treatment in December and says her strength comes from her large extended supportive family, including her siblings Bella (9), AJ (11), and Jalyssa (7), and her many cousins!

Marisol loves riding bikes (especially at grandmas), doing arts and crafts, and playing with Barbies. She also loves the movie Frozen – Princess Elsa is her favorite – and phrases like “sisterly love” and “family is forever” because family is very important to Marisol.

Her mom, Julie, says, “She is so resilient. . . so strong. . . her strength is amazing. She teaches us everyday!!” Marisol plans to attend the Run on March 7th so be sure to register so you can see her there!

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