CCN’s September 10th hero is Raylene!

Originally Posted September 10, 2019

CCN’s September 10th hero is Raylene!

Raylene’s nuclear family has been brought closer together through her cancer diagnosis of high risk ALL.  With no outside family in Arizona they have learned to support each other and they have learned to appreciate the little things. Raylene enjoys playing with her sister, Emily and enjoys watching movies and playing video games with her brother, Gabe.  She has also started to learn how to tap dance.  She admires her mom because she holds her, stays up with her, and gives her the medications that she needs.  She admires her dad because he is her strength and is there for her.  Raylene’s strengths are that she tries to make her mom feel better even though she is the one who is sick.  She also prays on her own before bedtime.  Mom’s motto is “Your battle, is my battle!”

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