Originally Posted February 21, 2017
CCN’s February 17th Run to Fight Cancer Hero is Amy!
Amy is 11 years old and has been diagnosed with ALL and was diagnosed in April, 2016. There have been ups and downs on this journey. Up is when dad makes her laugh and a down is spending long days at the clinic. The most important people in her life is her Mom, Dad, and 2 little sisters because they help her when she doesn’t feel good. Amy likes to play outside and go up north to get away from home and this makes her smile and feel good! She has learned from her cancer that she is strong. What would she like to say to her cancer? “I never want to feel you again, don’t come BACK!”
For more information about the Run to Fight Cancer on March 11, visit runtofightcancer.com CCN Discount code for families is CCNFAM17