Originally Posted March 5, 2018
CCN’s March 4th Run to Fight Cancer Hero is Lila!
Lila’s cancer journey began in January 2018 while she was on vacation in Canada. She had strep throat but when that didn’t seem to clear up more tests were run and she was diagnosed with B cell ALL. She now receives treatment at PCH East Valley Clinic. As a superhero she would like to dress in a blue outfit, skirt, short sleeved shirt and of course, a cape. She would have the power of speed. The real superhero in her life is her doctors at PCH. They give her life saving medicine. She would love to have Wonder Woman sitting next to her during treatment because she is a strong girl just like Lila! Lila would tell a newly diagnosed patient that the first 30 days are rough, you will get through it, and you will lose your hair. Lila is a 9 year old full of life and wisdom! To learn more information about the Run to Fight Children’s Cancer go to runtofightcancer.com