Originally Posted August 17, 2015
Our February 25th Run to Fight Superhero is Autumn! She is 7 years old and has three brothers. She was diagnosed two years ago with ALL leukemia. Currently, Autumn has 9 months of treatment left. She is a first grader who loves school, dolphins, horses, and her yellow lab who is about to have puppies! Autumn prefers animals to superheroes but if she had any superpower it would be to KICK CANCERS BUTT! Yay! Autumn’s mom says that she is very positive and has a great outlook on life. She is already planning what she will do when she grows up, and she is always thinking of others before herself. When children at her school had a fundraiser for Autumn, instead of accepting this kind donation, she used the money to buy toys for children at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. This family gets their strength from God, their family, and the wonderful caregivers and families at PCH.