Originally Posted February 18,2019
CCN’s February 18th Run to Fight Cancer Hero is Lila!
Cancer has changed the way Lila looks at life. She was diagnosed with ALL before Christmas last year and is currently on maintenance. Her cancer was caught early and she had 11 months of intense treatment. She was home schooled during that time and was able to go back to school this last November. Children’s Cancer Network’s H.O.P.E. Program made a huge difference in going back to school after being away so long. Lila loves to read chapter books, do crafts, and go to the dog park with her dog. She loves her family and friends because they understand how she feels. She very kind and creative and enjoys making slime! She would like to tell cancer to stop making people sick!!
To learn about CCN and the H.O.P.E Program go to cancernetwork.wpengine.com