
Originally posted on August 17, 2015.

Our February 21st Run to Fight Superhero is Cathy! Cathy is a Child Life Assistant and has been one for 14 years at PCH! She runs the playroom and goes room to room to give children crafts and fun things to do during their hospital stay.

Cathy has 2 dogs and their names are Louis Vuitton and Baxter. Cathy also has a son, a daughter (who happens to be in nursing school), and a stepson, and in March she will celebrate her 39th wedding anniversary! She also has a 7-year-old grandson.

She loves biking, gardening, and playing with her grandson! Her favorite superhero is Mighty Mouse, she absolutely loves how cute he is. If she could have any power, it would be the power to heal. She LOVES her job, and admires the kids’ spirit and their ability to fight!

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