
Originally posted August 17, 2015.

Our February 15 Run to Fight Superhero is Courtney! Courtney has been a child life specialist for 8 years. She has worked at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, and is presently working at Thunderbird Children’s.

The children and families she works with inspire Courtney each and every day, she is in awe of their inner strength and how they are able to keep on going. She quotes “My bad day turns into a good day, just being able to help them.” Courtney’s favorite superhero is Rainbow Brite, Courtney loves that she was every color of the rainbow and says she is super cool!

The light of her life is her son Liam! Her wish for a superpower would be to clone herself, imagine all the good she can do, if only she could!

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