
Originally posted August 17, 2015.

Our February 17 Run To Fight Superhero is Dalilah!! Dalilah was diagnosed with Rhabdomyosarcoma just a month after her third birthday in August 2015. She has a brother, Wiley (9), and two sisters, Tamyra (13) and Tasha (8).

Delilah tells us: My journey has been easy for the most part. At first I was scared because of the new changes in my life. I went from being a healthy little girl with long beautiful hair to coming to the doctors office every week. Losing my hair has been the toughest. But my mommy always tells me when I’m doing with my treatment, I will have long beautiful hair like Queen Elsa. That makes me happy.

I love all the doctors and nurses who make my visit so easy. I love all the gifts and the love they give me. The thing that makes me strong is my family, especially my mommy. She is always taking me to all the appointments and when I’m sick she stays with me.

My brother and my sisters are always supporting me. They still treat me as if I’m not sick. We still have so much fun. My superhero has to be my big sister Tamyra. She is always willing to help me out no matter what time it is or what task are done. She puts her life on hold to help me.

When I grow up, I want to be like as beautiful as her, play basketball like her, and ride the horse as fast as her. If I had superpowers, I would want to fly like a lil birdie.

My favorite thing to do is riding our horse, Oreo with my big sister. I love working on the horse with her. We wash them, brush them out, and I even help feeding them.

When I’m not feeling to well I just enjoy watching and playing with my, “My Little Pony”.

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